“Your Retirement … In Your Hands”
A Self-Managed Superannuation Fund is a super fund that is managed by, you guessed it…. YOU! As a member of a the SMSF, it gives you the benefit of greater control over your investment choices both now and in retirement.
Key issues here are flexibility and regulations, how to invest according to the
Superannuation Industry approved assets which include shares, cash, and property
that you manage for your fund.
CrossCorp provides a full range of advice and compliance for your SMSF to help
protect your retirement nest egg. We can also help you borrow to acquire assets in your fund.
The laws governing the provision of financial advice have recently changed. Additional registrations are now required to order to continue to advise in the area of superannuation.
We are proud to announce that we are now authorized representatives of Brougham & Vaux (Aust.) Pty Ltd (AFSL 394795) and can provide advice in the following areas:
- Self-Managed Super Funds
- Superannuation
– Contributions
– Consolidations and rollovers
– Pension strategies
– Centrelink entitlements
– General investment Strategies - Pre and post retirement strategies